Which abortion option should I choose?

After ten weeks gestation, we only offer surgical abortion. Prior to ten weeks, this is a highly personal choice that only you can make. Though both methods are highly effective, the risk of failure is substantially lower with a surgical abortion. Some people prefer the medication abortion because they do not want to undergo a procedure, or they would prefer to be in the privacy of their own home. Some prefer the surgical abortion because they want to know their abortion is complete on the day the come to clinic. Whichever method you choose, that is the right decision. We’re happy to answer any questions at your visit.

Is abortion safe?

Abortion is very safe. It is one of the safest and most common medical procedures in the United States. Although the risks differ slightly between medication abortion and surgical abortion, and every procedure has some risks- including risk of bleeding, infection, etc- abortion is actually safer than continuing a pregnancy. At West End Women’s Medical Group, abortion is our specialty, and our physicians have extensive training and experience in providing abortion care.

Will it hurt?

The experience is very different depending on which method of abortion you choose. Medication abortions are essentially identical to miscarriages, and you will complete this at home with NSAIDs. For most, it is more crampy than a heavy period, but the most intense cramping often only lasts a few hours.

For a surgical abortion, while the degree of discomfort experienced during the procedure depends on the individual, great care is taken to minimize uncomfortable sensations. All patients receive a highly effective local anesthetic which substantially decreases the discomfort of the procedure. Furthermore, additional IV medication is provided to help relieve discomfort and relax you. Many patients choose to have IV medication, though we also support your decision not to.Regardless of your decision, the doctor and our specially trained assistants will be at your side throughout the procedure.

What can I expect on the day of my appointment?

When you arrive, you will be asked to fill out a health questionnaire. After this is completed, we will bring you back to the exam room where we will ask further questions and do an ultrasound to date the pregnancy. We then will give you information and counseling regarding the method of abortion you plan to have, and we are happy to answer any questions about the options available. We will explain the procedure, give you pre-medications if necessary, and then the doctor discuss the abortion with you. The doctor will then administer the medication abortion or perform the surgical abortion. Patients who receive medication abortion will then be discharged, and patients who undergo a surgical abortion will be discharged after a short period in our recovery area.

Do you have protestors at your clinic?

Yes, unfortunately, we usually do. However, when we designed our clinic, we did so with our patients’ privacy in mind. We specifically built a large, private parking lot and put the entrance of the clinic on the side of the building opposite the street. What this means is that while you do have to drive past the protestors when you enter the parking lot, they are unable to see you after you park and while you walk into the clinic. We cannot make the protestors go away, but we can protect you from having to walk directly past them.

Additionally, our clinic is very secure, preventing the ability of anyone to bother you once you are inside.

Do you offer birth control?

Do you offer birth control?

At the time of your abortion, or for existing patients, we can administer depo provera or provide a prescription for birth control. We do not offer these services if you have not previously been seen at the clinic.